What are Blackheads & Why Do We Get Them? Blackheads 101
by Lorena Jimenez on Feb 14, 2019
First things first, what are blackheads?
“Blackheads” are essentially an accumulation of waste that has become visibly black or dark colored thanks to external parts becoming oxidized.Another easy way to explain what blackheads;“Blackheads” occur when the pores become clogged with excessive sebum, bacteria or dead skin cells.And we all know that when pores are blocked, it’s no good news. Especially when it is also unpleasantly visible with our eyes, this is BAD NEWS.Are blackheads pimples?
If you have ever had blackheads, you would have asked yourself or at least looked up, ‘are blackheads a form of acne?’.And the answer is, YES.Blackheads are indeed a type of acne.The official term to call blackheads will be ‘comedo and to be more specific, blackheads are open comedones. To look at the positive side of the story, they are the ones that didn’t end up becoming inflamed or spread all over the place.Sigh.But, even if the blackheads aren’t highly visible or painful as inflamed acne, nobody want to go around with a nose full of blackheads.Where do blackheads come from?
Blackheads can be triggered by many things. Not only that, but the way they look, form, or how often they show up, depends a lot on many specific characteristic. Basic things like:• Skin type• Age• Skin type• Age• Gender• Hormonal values• Or even external habits have a profound influence in the process of blackhead formation.“You can not really control things like your skin structure, age or gender, but fortunately, there are some external common triggers that you can use to keep blackheads under control. “
So, if you are struggling with too many blackheads, here are some common causes of blackheads