A Deep Cleansing Soap that Can Help You Get Blemish Free Skin?
by Wendy Kim on Feb 11, 2019

1. Texture and Qualities
The [Jungle Botanics] Ecru Clay Soap is a clay soap that helps to not only deep cleanse the skin but also to draw out all those impurities deep in within the pores to help reduce the formation of skin blemishes. Deep cleansing, impurity absorbing and slightly exfoliating, this soap can be very beneficial especially for those of you that might be dealing with oily skin or those that might want a deep pore cleansing. The Ecru Soap is made out of Amazonian clay, which is a very well known ingredient when it comes to helping withraw impurities and absorb excessive sebum. Though this may sound harsh on the skin, due to its buttery lathering, surprisingly it will NOT make the skin feel overly dry and irritated.2. Ingredients
The Ecru Clay Soap has not only deep cleansing properties but also exfoliating and brightening properties. Very useful when we are trying to fight dullness and achieve a soft and smooth complexion. It is not just another clay soap. Most clay soaps are good for oily skin but what makes this product special it is the quantity of product. Formulated with 17.5% Kaolin clay, it contains around ten times the amount of clay than any conventional soaps have inside. Not only that but it also has the help of a few great ingredients that provide beneficial effects to the skin. - Jojoba Oil- Olive Oil- Grape Seed Oil- Centella Asiatica Extract As you can see, all those ingredients help fight skin dryness and excessive moisture loss. Jojoba oil is a dryer oil that also aids in deep cleansing the pores, besides the added benefit of being quite hydrating. Similar to Olive Oil and Grapeseed Oil that are also highly nourishing oils that have at the same time deep cleansing properties, helpful at removing makeup traces, blackheads and other types of impurities. Last but not least, another key ingredient, "Centella Asiatica" which nourishes and soothes the skin while minimizing any possible irritation.3. How to Use
The Ecru Clay Soap is to be used as a regular cleansing bar. After makeup removal or oil cleansing, lather the product into your hands with or without the help of the linen pad. Once the product is properly lathered, apply it onto the skin working the product in with the help of a mild face brush, your hands, or with the use of the linen cleansing pad if you are searching to add deeper exfoliating results.
4. Smart Tips
The [Jungle Botanics] The Ecru Clay Soap is a great skin cleanser, but there are some added benefits or uses that can be achieved by using it.
1) Fight Body Acne
The Ecru Clay Soap is not only to be used as a facial soap but since it is a multipurpose product, it can also provide great results on different areas. Due to its size and the percentage of clay contained in this product, it will be good to fight impurities even on the more blemish-prone areas of the body as well. We all know how hard it can be to get rid of bacne, chest acne or even those small bumps on the arms. Well, good news there is finally a face product that is deep cleansing enough to help remove impurities on those areas. Lather the product well and apply a good amount of foam to the desired areas. Massage it in well and help deep cleanse and exfoliate with the help of a body brush. After a couple of days, you will see the difference in your skin, being softer, smoother, but also all those spots that have shown up during winter due to occlusive clothing will start to disappear. So, prep and love your body to say hello to the spring which is now almost around the corner.2) Mask it Up
The great thing about Ecru Clay Soap is not only that it is very deep cleansing yet mild, but also the fact that it will be a great tool to get rid of enlarged pores and blackheads. Foam up the soap in your hands apply a thick layer of the mixture to troubled areas and let it sit there. When it dries, dampen your fingertips and softly massage the area, then let it dry again. Repeat this process 2 or 3 times and then rinse off with cool water. Once this is done, tone your skin and get your comedo remover. I bet you will be very satisfied to see how quickly and clean any blackheads come straight out with almost no effort.3) 2 in 1 Cleanser and Exfoliator
The Ecru Soap comes with a 100% linen pad. So you're not only getting one soap but a linen pad that will only enhance your cleansing experience. Not only does it help you to foam the cleanser to make thicker bubbles but you can also use it to help exfoliate your skin. The linen when wet will turn soft enough to help exfoliate the skin and help improve skin texture with minimal irritation. You could also use it on the body, but I recommend that you keep its use for only one area. Also if you want to keep the linen in good condition for a long time, make sure to put it up somewhere where the pad is able to dry well. There you have it, deep cleansed and exfoliated skin everywhere.Those are some of the uses but you can also use it to help you detox your scalp from time to time, to help fix your brows and probably many other things that we have yet to discover. So please, let us know if there are any other uses that you have found while playing with it :)5. Reviews