How This Rice Mask Improved My Dull Skin
by bb on Jul 10, 2018

1. I'm from Rice Mask
The product claims for this I'm From Rice Mask are as follows : - Brightening- Exfoliating- Moisturizing- Rejuvenating- Pore Tightening- Skin Firming- Nourishing The I'm From Rice Mask contains 4.1% of Yeoju Rice. Provided in both raw form and as rice water, this ingredient is packed with vitamin B1, B2, minerals, amino acids, lysine and more skin nourishing and anti-aging benefits. These benefits make the I'm From Rice Mask sound completely ideal to boost the skins' firmness, moisture levels and brighten it up thanks to the raw rice texture and ingredients.What it really comes down to, is the formulation of the product such as the ingredients within it and how these ingredients might affect the skin.2. Product Texture & Application

3. Overall Experience