Propolis 101: Propolis Skin Benefits & How to Maximize Effects
by Hailei Kim on Aug 25, 2020

I’m pretty sure you have heard of propolis before if you have experience of looking up ways of improving your skin. Now it’s a bigger problem if you have never heard of propolis before because you have been missing out on so much propolis can do for your skin. To confess, I used to be one of those who thought that propolis was just a fancy name for honey. (Well, they are similar but not the same.) Don’t be that person anymore and learn how to make use of all that propolis can offer such as acne-fighting, anti-aging, skin brightening, and so much more!Let’s call today PROPOLIS 101 because today I will deal with everything you need to know about propolis from its benefits to how to use it in your daily skincare regimen. Before I go into details, first things first - What is propolis?
What is 'propolis'?Bee propolis, as I briefly mentioned above, is commonly mistaken as honey but is actually the glue that bees use to build and hold their beehives. So, in other words, propolis is a natural resin, or simply put, “bee glue.” Interestingly, propolis got its initial spotlight from the pharmaceutical and medical industry. A lot of research has been made that supports propolis’s healing properties. Working as a supplement in medicine in various forms including multivitamin capsule, nasal spray, ointment, and even toothpaste, propolis has been solidly acknowledged as a natural treatment.
Why in skincare?
I cannot stress the significance of propolis in boosting one’s immune system. But now the question is - why in skincare? As some of you might have already guessed, because propolis has been proven to increase one’s immunity towards and makes your body more resistant towards outside invaders, this also means that propolis can work to protect your skin towards bacterial and fungal acne. Also its healing properties make it an excellent post-acne treatment to heal the acne scars and wounds.
4 Propolis skin benefits, how is it good for your skin?
1. Good for treating acnePropolis is a must have item for people with acne because of its powerful antibacterial and antiviral qualities. Fighting external stimuli that cause acne, it treats acne that you already have and prevents future acne. Also the anti-inflammatory quality in propolis also calms and soothes your skin from breakouts and pimples that occur due to irritation from heat.
▶︎ Read the full review of how the propolis serum helped acne prone skin

2. Good for healing post-acne wound and scars
Did you know that propolis has been used as a treatment for minor burns? Studies have shown that propolis has equal or greater effectiveness towards minor burns compared to silver sulfadiazine, which is a common compound used in medical treatment for second or third degree burns. This is due to the fact that propolis has components that promote skin cell production and growth of collagen in the skin.
3. Good for preventing loss of skin elasticity
Propolis contains both flavonoids and phenolics, which are compounds that are known to get rid of free radicals. Free radicals cause acceleration of skin aging and reduce the productivity of new skin cell growth, can be the main cause of skin aging and, if worse comes to worst, can even lead to skin cancer. The components in propolis will work as antioxidants that prevent premature skin aging, dullness, uneven skin tones, and blemishes. By adding propolis to your skincare routine, you are protecting your skin from free radicals that you cannot avoid on a daily basis due to sun exposure, pollutants, and radiation.
▶︎ Read the full review of how the face essence with propolis enhance hydration & elasticity

4. Good for skin brightening
Propolis also works as a great supplement when you are using products that contain vitamin C. Because vitamin C is the most potent, therefore, most famous ingredient when it comes to skin brightening and lightening, allowing vitamin C to perform its full capacity is important if you desire better complexion. Using propolis topically, allows your skin to absorb moisture more effectively, in turn, soothes your skin. This is especially vital for people who are concerned about uneven skin tones and hyperpigmentation as reducing inflammation is the first and foremost to prevent redness and discoloration.
How can I use 'propolis'?
If you don’t want to miss out on using propolis and even make up for the time you have not been familiar with the wonders of propolis, you should not only know how to use it but also learn how to maximize its effects.