FAQ: Organic Hemp Face Mask from Wishtrend, You Asked, We Answered
by wishtrend on Sep 22, 2020
By Wishtrend Organic Hemp Face Mask
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Q. Why is the By Wishtrend Organic Hemp Face Mask made from hemp and not other materials?
Q. Does the mask have a nose wire?
Q. Does the mask contain a filter pocket?
Q. Is it skin friendly?

Q. Does it help cut down moisture?
Q. How big is the By Wishtrend Organic Hemp Face Mask, and will it fit me?
Q. How should we wash the face mask? Are there any precautions we need to take?
Q. Does the By Wishtrend Organic Hemp Face Mask only come in one color?
Q. How many times can we wear the mask before we have to wash it?
Q. The mask is sold out on the website. When will I be able to purchase my own mask?