White blackheads? How are Blackheads and Whiteheads Different?
by Lorena Jimenez on Feb 19, 2019
Are Whiteheads and Balckheads the Same?

If we go through the definition of blackheads that I gave you on the first article Blackheads Fact Checking: What are they and why Do We Get Them?“ Blackheads are essentially an accumulation of waste in which the most external part has become black due to oxidation. “
Oxidation, like the name suggests, only occurs when something comes into contact with oxygen itself. And therefore the thing in question, in this case, the blackhead,the hair follicle has to be open to the air in order to oxidize.What makes blackheads black?
The answer is Oxidation. The oxidation process gives blackheads that black color, that might be also the main reason why you might think that you have so many blackheads compared to whiteheads which tend to be less visible. This oxidation process is actually one of the main differences among whiteheads and blackheads.In blackheads, the Sebum and waste clogging the pore are actually out in the open and exposed to air. Whereas whiteheads even when they are essentially also an excess of sebum, bacteria and dead skin cells clogging the pore, they are covered by a thin layer of skin that prevents the oxidation process that we were talking about.If there is no opening for air to get in, the sebum will not turn black which is the reason why whiteheads keep that yellowish-whitish type of color.What are Whiteheads?
Whiteheads, just alike blackheads can be considered a version of non-inflammatory acne. In all those conditions there is a common denominator, the blockage of the pilosebaceous units present also in acne or blackheads.Yes they all come from blocked pores, but each has some specific characteristics when compared to each other:
How to take care of whiteheads?