Klairs Cruelty-Free Campaign 2020? Go Cruelty Free: Let Us Be
by Wendy Kim on Apr 19, 2020
: 6th Fundraising Project From Klairs for World Day for Laboratory AnimalsStep by Step Towards Sustainability
Klairs presents products that are necessary and can be used for a long time and thinks about the sustainability of the world in contact with Klairs. It is in the same context that Klairs has been strictly following the value of 'Cruelty-Free' from its very beginning.Klairs doesn't support animal testing in product development, and we don't export to countries that require animal testing. We also have been continuously speaking out against animal testing.Time passed, and thankfully animal testing is now illegal in South Korea. However, there are still animals that are in pain.What can we do in this situation?
PC wallpaper version 1

In commemoration of the World Day for Laboratory Animals, Klairs is trying to voice out even louder against animal testing throughout this fundraising project.PC wallpaper version 2

#Klairs #KlairsCrueltyFree #WorthTheWalk
You can let us know that you have participated in 1) by setting the campaign illustration as your phone wallpaper or 2) re-gramming it on your Instagram. 3) You can also join in the donation directly, by purchasing products from the donation project page on Wishtrend.All profit goes to an animal rights organization. (*Donation amount and organization to be announced later)✓ Please don't miss out, because all merchandise, and especially the Klairs Cruelty Free Kit, only come in minimal availability.✓ Save 2 different types of wallpaper for your mobile & PCMobile wallpaper version 1

Klairs Cruelty Free Kit (Limited Edition)
https://www.wishtrend.com/products/cruelty-free-kit/We created the merch for this fundraising project that was built by imagining you and your pet's walk. 'Klairs Cruelty Free Kit' consists of Soft Airy UV Essence - a sunscreen for those you dislike sunscreen. Along with other items, you might need on a walk, with illustrations of cute animal friends from Joguman Studio.-
A. Soft Airy UV Essence
B. Poop Bag
Wherever you are, GO CRUELTY FREE: LET US BE!
For the week of this fundraising project (April 20th to 26th), you can enjoy 10% discount at Wishtrend.com with the promotion code: LETUSBE Also, please pay attention to the four following Instagram accounts during the week of the fundraising project. We will be having a relay giveaway, and the gift will be the 'Klairs Cruelty Free Kit.'✓ Pay attention to the following instagram accounts for the 'Relay Giveaway'@wishtrend@wishtrendstory@klairs.global@wishtrendtvYou can use GIF Stickers from the illustration by looking up 'Klairs' on Instagram Story.