by Claudia Christin on Mar 28, 2024
Facts about Sebaceous Filaments
Have you ever noticed a dark dot on your pores, looking like the head of a pin? But sometimes… the color of it is a little bit yellowish, gray, or clear. Did it confuse you and did you think it was blackheads? Have you ever tried plucking it but failed? or does it just come back a day later?
Although it may look like a blackhead, those are actually sebaceous filaments. It is a thin, hair-like structure that lines the inside of the pore and helps sebum travel to the skin’s surface. It helps oil to “escape” from the pores. Most of it has no plugs, thus making it almost impossible to pluck it.
Whitehead |
Blackhead |
Sebaceous Filaments |
What is it? |
A type of mild acne that is caused by obstruction of oil flow caused by a plug of dead skin cells |
A type of acne that is caused due to clogged pores and oxidized sebum plug |
Oil-distributing pore-lining that is part of our skin’s natural composition |
Appearance and color |
Skin-colored bumps |
Black-dotted bumps |
Thin-hair-like structure with a grey or yellowish color |
Texture |
Raised bumps |
Raised bumps |
Pin-like dots |
Location |
Anywhere on the face |
Anywhere on the face |
Nose, chin, forehead, cheeks |
Causes |
Clogged hair follicles, sebum, dead skin cells, and bacteria that are covered by our skin |
Clogged hair follicles, sebum, dead skin cells, and bacteria that are exposed and oxidized |
Excess natural oil production |
Professional Help |
Dermatologist consultation for severe or persistent cases |
Usually not required |

What causes sebaceous filaments to appear?
Everyone has sebaceous filaments, it just doesn’t appear noticeably on everyone’s skin. However, some of our friends with oilier skin and larger pores are more prone to have their sebaceous filaments become visible. This is because of our skin’s normal process of producing sebum. Oilier skin types produce more sebum, hence it’s more likely for them to have visible sebaceous filaments.

Exfoliation Tips for each:
Sebaceous filaments do not have to be extracted/get rid of. It is best to leave them as they are unless you want to risk harming your skin. Although sometimes it does shed off from our pores when we exfoliate our skin, it will soon fill up the pores again. However, it is important to maintain them so the excess sebum won’t further clog your pores and lead to blackheads.