6 Holy Grails to Keep Oily Skincare Routine On Point!
by bb on Dec 12, 2018

Don’t despair!
Oily skin does not have to be a battle or a condition that you have to put up with. Thankfully, there is a proper routine for every single skin type out there to get control over whatever your skin concern may be, including excess oil on the face. But first, let’s make sure you have oily skin, to begin with!Do I have oily skin?
If you say yes to any of the below symptoms, then yes, you do have an oily skin type.• Your skin becomes shiny shortly after cleaning• You feel you have large pores• You have use powder to control your oily more than once a day• You always use a matte or longwear foundation• You feel like moisturizers are way too heavy for your skin• The summer time is the worst time of the year for your skinIf you agreed to at least 4 of the above symptoms and statements, then below is the skincare routine fit for you.The Oily Skin Routine
When it comes to managing excess oil on our face, one would automatically think that cleansing the skin regularly is the key to success, but that can’t be farther from the truth!The more you cleanse the skin, the more you strip away the essential oils that keep your skin healthy, thus encouraging your skin to actually produce even more oil, in turn, resulting in oilier skin than ever before!1) Wash your face the right way
Instead, use a gentle, natural, clay bar soap that will gently and effectively remove excess oil while controlling oil production throughout the day.How to do it?
1) Rinse your skin with lukewarm water then, 2) wet the bar soap and rub it between your hands until you have made a good amount of bubbles. 3) Next, gentle massage the bubbles over the skin thoroughly for a few moments. 4) Proceed to rinse with lukewarm water, 5) then finish off with cold water to close the pores.2) Use a toner...always!
Don’t is one step you should never skip out on, no matter what your skin type is! Using a toner not only tightens, removes any remaining oil and soap from the skin, but it also balances and prepares the skin for the products to follow.We recommend always using a toner that will not only do all the above but will also calm the skin and reduce the skin's surface temperature. Skin that is irritated or too hot causes the pores to dilate, which results in early onset aging down the road and also excess oil production.What should I use?
3) Keep your skin hydrtaed
Hydrating is the key to success for every skin concern out there! Maintaining proper balance to our skin is the best way to deliver just what the skin needs, water.How does water help my oily skin?
Adding water into the skin via a hydrating serum will not oil make your skin look and feel better, but it will also tighten the pores, reduce the surface temperature of the skin, and maintain the skin's moisture barrier, resulting in the less clogged pore and fine lines!When the skin is excessively oily, it tends to be lacking in water, which causes our bodies to feel a need to compensate for what we are lacking, in this case, moisture and hydration in the skin.What should I use?
4) Don't forget cream!
You might be thinking...“Why would I use a cream on my oily skin?!”
Just the same as adding hydration to reduce oil, adding moisture will also help reduce your skin's oil production when done correctly. Of course, you will need to use a cream that is designed for oily skin types or combination skin types.If you feel a cream might be too heavy for you during the day, then make sure you use one like this gel cream at night as a nighttime treatment. Using a cream at night is essential as our skin natural repairs itself while we sleep.What cream should I use?
5) Partake in regular treatments
If you were not already aware, using treatments regularly is an excellent way to aid in the removal of excess oil build up in the skin, and of course, the best method of treatment is face masks.We recommend two different types of face masks to gain control over oily skin, one being the classic clay mask to remove oil. The second being a calming, cooling, hydrating sheet mask to balance out the skin.We love clay!
Nothing beats hydration!
Sometimes clay is a little too drying for those of use with moderately oily skin. Instead get control over your oil problems by adding a drastic boost in hydration to the skin with a calming sheet mask. This hydrating mask works to deliver deep hydration without making the skin feel heavy or greasy. Use it at night-time before bed and wake up to plump, glowing skin!