ELMT 101: What is a Primary Skin Irritation Test And Why Should I Care?
by Gina Myung on Dec 17, 2021

1. Purpose
Primary Skin Irritation Tests are conducted to provide scientific backing and clinically prove that #frameless solutions are non-irritating.2. Research Center
The four #frameless solutions were tested at two trusted research centers located in Seoul: the Advanced Calming Solution & Gentle Exfoliating Solution at the Global Medical Research Center, and the Skin Illuminating Solution & Skin Activating Solution at the P&K Research Center. Both research centers specialize in assessing the stability and effectiveness of general cosmetics, functional cosmetics, external medicines, beauty medical devices, health functional foods, medicines, and cosmetics. Tests are conducted in accordance with Korea’s Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDA) standards through top-notch specialists, human application tests, and research personnel specialized in invitro tests, and state-of-the-art equipment.3. Participants
There were a total of 66 participants across both tests: 34 at GMRC, and 32 at P&K. To ensure that the studies reflected product reactivity in a diverse group, participants were both male and female whose ages ranged from their 20s to 50s, with various skin types.

4. Testing Method
5. Method of Assessment

6. Conclusion